
ASPROFOS has been certified as Excellent “COVID-Shield”

ASPROFOS Engineering received the Private Certification Scheme "COVID Shield" from TÜV AUSTRIA Hellas.

The Company has been certified as Excellent “COVID-Shield”, acting responsibly and aiming at:

  • minimizing the likelihood of the spread of corona virus disease either internally or externally,
  • supporting high-level prevention against possible exposure (involuntary or voluntary) to corona virus
  • managing of possible cases of corona virus in an organized, direct and armored manner, based on the proposed published guidelines and instructions of co-responsible bodies.

ASPROFOS Engineering:

  • Takes the necessary measures, implements the appropriate procedures and the appropriate practices by the competent authorities and the scientific community to prevent the transmission of the virus;
  • Provides the means and infrastructure needed to implement procedures and practices;
  • Trains and informs its staff in order to completely comply with all health protocols and precautionary measures;
  • Informs visitors and implements strict procedure for checking all those who enter or are hosted in its business premises.

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