Applying the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) in investigations of Oil and Gas Pipeline Corridors
P. - M. Spanidis (1)
(1) ASPROFOS Engineering S.A., Project Management Division
El.Venizelou 284, Kallithea, Athens, 176 75 – tel.: 210-9491371 – emiail: [email protected]
Cross country pipelines are means of safe and long term transportation of oil and gas over long distanced areas. The identification of the most advantageous pipeline route corridor constitutes a multidisciplinary task of high complexity that requires examination of critical technical, cost, environmental and social factors and, also, properly documented and substantial decision making. This paper presents the main aspects of a pipeline route corridor investigation based on literature and empirical evidence and demonstrates how this investigation can be interpreted in terms of a multiple criteria decision making problem. The Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP), a flexible and easily developing group technique, is suggested as a methodology appropriate to support the context of multiple criteria decision making for pipeline route corridors evaluation and selection. A case study exhibiting the AHP application in a feasibility analysis performed for a fuel pipeline in a country of southern Asia is presented followed by final paper conclusions and discussion on the AHP implementation in other projects of the oil and gas industry.